Tagged: Doctor Strange

Uwe De Witt Puts A Fandom Spin On Iconic Album Covers

Music. Everyone has their own tastes. Whether it is the casual music listener who uses the medium as a travelling companion, or the die-hard audio visual connoisseur who can tell you everything there is to know about their favourite band, we all share one thing. We all enjoy the pleasures listening to a tune or score can bring. Now myself, well I am more a film buff, but even I can see the importance that music has in our everyday lives. Iconic film scenes are made that way in some cases, by the musical score that surrounds them. So even with my limited music knowledge I can spot an iconic album cover or to. What artist Uwe De Witt has done has used this knowledge to create a pop culture spin on the cover art we know and love (much like artist Butcher Billy) into his own unique style of artwork.

uwe de witt dr strange

Now as I have previously stated, I am no expert when it comes to album covers. So the examples you can see below have not been labelled with the album cover source. But you Cult Collective readers are a damn sight more intelligent than I am, so I know you will be able to piece all of the information together yourselves. I do recognise the variations on Iron Maiden cover albums though, all of which look great.

uwe de witt batman uwe de witt black queen uwe de witt cage 2 uwe de witt cage uwe de witt conan uwe de witt daken uwe de witt dexter uwe de witt domino uwe de witt dr doom 2 uwe de witt dr doom uwe de witt dr manhatten uwe de witt fantastic 4 2 uwe de witt fantastic 4 3 uwe de witt fantastic 4 uwe de witt gambit uwe de witt ghost rider 2 uwe de witt ghost rider 3 uwe de witt ghost rider uwe de witt ghostrider uwe de witt iron madien ghostrider uwe de witt iron madien magneto 2 uwe de witt iron madien magneto uwe de witt john constatine uwe de witt judge death uwe de witt marv uwe de witt mystique uwe de witt storm uwe de witt swamp thing uwe de witt thing uwe de witt wolverine uwe de witt x 23

It is great to see how naturally the fandom characters intersperse into the album cover designs. Gambit and Constantine make a bang up Bowie, and Judge Death seems like he was tailored made to be a replacement for Eddie from Iron Maiden. It is testament to Uwe superb artistic skills that he can mimic each album cover, while adding his own spin on it. His keen knowledge of fandom and music artists means he can expertly place each character into the right album sleeve, making each one a whole heap of fun to look at. The little in jokes help to (check out the Batman Phil Collins mash up to see what I mean).

This is only a taster of the covers he has done and for a complete list you should check out his Deviant Art page. While you are at it do not forget to check out his other pieces of art on his official website and his Face Book page as well as the work he has done for the website Spacelord. It is going to be interesting to see what else Uwe has up his sleeve in the months leading up to 2015 and if nothing else my interest in music has greatly increased because of his work on show here today.