Tagged: Judge Dredd

Uwe De Witt Puts A Fandom Spin On Iconic Album Covers

Music. Everyone has their own tastes. Whether it is the casual music listener who uses the medium as a travelling companion, or the die-hard audio visual connoisseur who can tell you everything there is to know about their favourite band, we all share one thing. We all enjoy the pleasures listening to a tune or score can bring. Now myself, well I am more a film buff, but even I can see the importance that music has in our everyday lives. Iconic film scenes are made that way in some cases, by the musical score that surrounds them. So even with my limited music knowledge I can spot an iconic album cover or to. What artist Uwe De Witt has done has used this knowledge to create a pop culture spin on the cover art we know and love (much like artist Butcher Billy) into his own unique style of artwork.

uwe de witt dr strange

Now as I have previously stated, I am no expert when it comes to album covers. So the examples you can see below have not been labelled with the album cover source. But you Cult Collective readers are a damn sight more intelligent than I am, so I know you will be able to piece all of the information together yourselves. I do recognise the variations on Iron Maiden cover albums though, all of which look great.

uwe de witt batman uwe de witt black queen uwe de witt cage 2 uwe de witt cage uwe de witt conan uwe de witt daken uwe de witt dexter uwe de witt domino uwe de witt dr doom 2 uwe de witt dr doom uwe de witt dr manhatten uwe de witt fantastic 4 2 uwe de witt fantastic 4 3 uwe de witt fantastic 4 uwe de witt gambit uwe de witt ghost rider 2 uwe de witt ghost rider 3 uwe de witt ghost rider uwe de witt ghostrider uwe de witt iron madien ghostrider uwe de witt iron madien magneto 2 uwe de witt iron madien magneto uwe de witt john constatine uwe de witt judge death uwe de witt marv uwe de witt mystique uwe de witt storm uwe de witt swamp thing uwe de witt thing uwe de witt wolverine uwe de witt x 23

It is great to see how naturally the fandom characters intersperse into the album cover designs. Gambit and Constantine make a bang up Bowie, and Judge Death seems like he was tailored made to be a replacement for Eddie from Iron Maiden. It is testament to Uwe superb artistic skills that he can mimic each album cover, while adding his own spin on it. His keen knowledge of fandom and music artists means he can expertly place each character into the right album sleeve, making each one a whole heap of fun to look at. The little in jokes help to (check out the Batman Phil Collins mash up to see what I mean).

This is only a taster of the covers he has done and for a complete list you should check out his Deviant Art page. While you are at it do not forget to check out his other pieces of art on his official website and his Face Book page as well as the work he has done for the website Spacelord. It is going to be interesting to see what else Uwe has up his sleeve in the months leading up to 2015 and if nothing else my interest in music has greatly increased because of his work on show here today.

Are You Ready To Unbox An Awesome Judge Dredd Designer Figure?

I haven’t really ever been much of a toy collector. Beyond The Real Ghostbusters, Batman: The Animated Series and Star Wars: The Power Of The Force lines, I have never really paid much interest.

Recently though, there have been a few ‘designer toys’ that have caught my attention. None more so than this prototype Judge Dredd figure by Unbox Industries!


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Lowercase Industry Celebrates The Galaxy’s Favourite Scoundrels With New Releases “Fett” And “Gambit”

We regularly feature the new releases of South Yorkshire based visual artist Michael Latimer and have covered lots of his previous releases, mainly because he is such a nice chap and his style is so unique and, well, brilliant.

Today, Lowercase Industry have release two more paintings continuing Michael’s “Heroics” line of hand painted, hand sprayed originals inspired by our favourite heroes and villains. This time Michael has been inspired by two of comics and films most popular scoundrels, Boba Fett and Gambit.

Fett Latimer Lowercase Industry

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Lowercase Industry Are The Law! New Releases, “Dredd” And “Xenomorph” By Michael Latimer

For a while I have been pestering South Yorkshire based visual artist Michael Latimer to produce a piece based on Judge Dredd, and I now finally have my wish! Michael Latimer is a favourite around these parts and we have covered lots of his previous releases, chiefly because his style is so unique and, well, brilliant.

Michael has just released two new prints via Lowercase Industry continuing his “Heroics” line of hand painted, hand sprayed originals inspired by our favourite heroes and villains, not least Mega City One’s iron jawed law enforcement officer; Judge Joseph Dredd!

“Dredd” by Michael Latimer

15 x 20 inches sized hand painted, hand sprayed originals on heavyweight luxury watercolour paper with acrylics and spraypaint.

Run of 20, signed and numbered, £55 shipped internationally

Alien Michael Latimer

“Xenomorph” by Michael Latimer

22 x 22 inches sized hand painted, hand sprayed originals on heavyweight luxury watercolour paper with acrylics and spraypaint.

Run of 20, signed and numbered, £65 shipped internationally


Each of these colourful and wonderfully texture paintings are completely hand painted and are truly individual. Each differ slightly due to the nature of how they are produced and are unique in their own way. With international shipping included in the price, for such a unique piece of art, they are a bargain and can be purchased in the Lowercase Industry Online Store NOW!

While you are over there be sure to check out some of Michaels other, original pieces. His style is so varied and he uses a variety of different mediums to truly compliment each piece. Here is a brief selection.

Follow Lowercase Industry on Twitter for future releases and make sure you have a good look around Lowercase Industries, Michael’s work is amazing.


2000AD TO Release ‘Dredd: The Illustrated Script And Visuals’ With Art By Jock And Alex Garland’s Full Script

Since I was very young I have been a huge fan of Judge Dredd. Sitting on the loo reading my dad’s copies of 2000ad was my first exposure to comics and sequential art. I was in awe of the fantastical storylines and visceral art. Dredd is arguably only second to Batman in my personal list of favourite comic characters and I always pined for a movie that would live up to the character. While I enjoyed Stallone’s Judge Dredd, for me like many others it did not truly embody the character. How pleased was I when the Alex Garland penned Dredd came out and lived up to my true expectations of the character. Even more rewarding was that Jock, arguably my favourite comic and poster artist, contributed concept art to the project as well as a little later down the line pulling together a poster for Mondo. This was the poster that got me into alt poster collecting as an obsession.

2000ad will very shortly be releasing ‘Dredd: The Illustrated Script and Visuals’ in both a paperback and hardcopy special edition.

Dredd Hardcover slipcase

‘Dredd: The Illustrated Script And Visuals’ – Limited Edition Signed by Jock


Both editions includes an introduction and notes from Jock and as well as an exclusive introduction from screenwriter Alex Garland. Accompnaying the pre-production screenplay is a very special never-before-seen complete comics adaptation from the movie pre-production which is markedly unique from the finished film, plus the full screenplay and accompanying concept art. Here’s what Alex Garland had to say about said adaptation;

“Part of [Jock’s] huge contribution was a full-length comic book version of the script, that we distributed to everyone from financiers to crew. His paintings and sketches were one of the quickest and most effective way of conveying the look and tone of the project. When – a very long time later – the picture was locked, I could see his input had pervaded the film at all levels.”

dredd_screenplay_paperback‘Dredd: The Illustrated Script And Visuals’ – Paperback edition


I am really excited to get hold of this and not only see the detail of the pre-production script and how it differs from what we eventually saw on screen, but also how Jock and Alex Garland originally envisioned the movie to look with what ultimately served as storyboards for the movie. Alex Garland is an amazingly visual writer and it will be unique to see that tied into a graphic medium. Now all we need to do is get that Dredd sequel off of the ground! If you haven’t signed the petition, you really should!

Dredd Hardcover Cover

Both editions rock in at a hefty 240 pages and are available as a beautifully designed paperback edition at £25 and a very limited, signed hardback edition at £50. Both editions were designed in close conjunction with Jock and are available to pre-order now through the 200ad store for release in July.